Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Men Vs. Women In Credit


According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, women earned 81.1 cents for every dollar that men earned in the fourth quarter of 2016. While men may have a wage advantage, a 2016 survey from Experian suggests that men are poorer at financial management and credit skills — thus men may be squandering their advantage.

The Experian survey looked at multiple aspects of credit and money management and generally found women to have superior habits. Women had an average credit score of 675 on the VantageScore system, five points above the average score for men — even though women averaged 23.5% more open credit card accounts than men do.

The revolving utilization ratio (average amount of total available revolving credit being used) was 26.2% for women compared to 27.3% for men. Men are using more of their available credit on fewer credit cards, contributing to the lower credit score by raising their overall credit utilization. Using a higher portion of your available cred...

from MoneyTips

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