Monday, April 3, 2017

Is Your Partner Hiding A Credit Card?


Trust is the foundation of any relationship. That trust includes financial issues as well as personal ones. Do you trust your spouse or partner enough to be open about your finances? According to a recent survey from, 5% of respondents admitted to keeping a checking account, savings account, or a credit card secret from their partner.

Sometimes the reason is unpleasant to face — a person wants to be able to do and/or buy things that they want to hide from their partner for selfish reasons, or even to hide illegal or immoral activity. In other cases, a person may have good motives that went awry. He or she may be salting money away in a separate account for a surprise second honeymoon, or extending credit into a family business where the spouse is uninformed or uninterested.

Surprisingly, secret accounts were more prevalent among older Americans. Respond...

from MoneyTips

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