Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Identity Theft 101


With more and more information stored online, more bad guys are just a password away from our personal data. As hackers have stolen financial information from large corporations like Yahoo to the Internal Revenue Service, identity theft is on the rise.

"Identity theft can trash your credit score because there's the risk that somebody takes your name, your Social Security number, and your solid credit rating, goes out, applies for a bunch of credit, and then doesn't repay any of it." cautions Bankrate.com Chief Financial Analyst Greg McBride. "That can really just destroy what otherwise had been years of hard work on your part to build a solid credit rating."

Instead of worrying, follow these common-sense guidelines to minimize your exposure to identity theft.

  • Monitor Acc...

from MoneyTips https://www.moneytips.com/identity-theft-101

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