Saturday, December 24, 2016

What Identity Thieves Do With Stolen Credit Cards


The convenience of modern digital commerce comes with an unfortunate side effect: it makes identity theft more convenient as well. The 2016 Identity Fraud study from Javelin Strategy and Research found that 13.1 million consumers in the U.S. were victims of identity theft during 2015, to the tune of $15 billion. Over the last six years of available data, the identity theft totals have reached approximately $112 billion.

In the end, the fraud affects you and your creditors and card issuers directly, but your stolen card information can generate multiple transactions before you even see a dime of losses. Identity thieves can choose to sell your credit card information to others instead of using it for their own purposes.

If your credit card information is stolen as part of a large breach, it's more likely that your identity and information will be sold at least once as part of a package deal....

from MoneyTips

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