Friday, November 4, 2016

How To Evaluate A Credit Card Offer


If you hang on to all the credit card offers that you receive in the mail, you probably have enough by now to build a small fort in the living room. Let’s assume that instead of building forts, you would rather compare them to find the best deal.

How do you wade through all the hype about great rewards and low interest rates? We offer a few suggestions.

  • Know Your Habits – How do you use your credit card? Is it for emergencies only, or for regular purchases? What is the dollar value of your charges on an average month? Do you usually carry a balance? Do you use your card for travel or business purposes? Do you tend to overspend? Outline your habits and this will help you define the must-haves when evaluating card offers.
  • Consider the Type of Card – Credit cards tend to fall into four categories: ba...

from MoneyTips

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